Wednesday, January 2, 2008

They Are Coming Home!

Karen reports that Pastor's doctor visit went very well. He and Karen will be returning to Mobile on Thursday! In two weeks they will return to Houston to meet with an Oncologist for a round of chemotherapy. The doctors believe Pastor is a "better candidate for success" for the follow up treatment to make sure there is nothing left of the cancer.
Please continue praying for the healing of his pancreas. It will take up to two months for the pancreas to heal and begin to function normally. Until then he will rely on insulin injections to control his blood sugar which at this time is still relatively high. Please pray that the blood sugar issue will be resolved through a controlled diet and the use of insulin.


michelle said...

So happy to hear the great news! I know ya'll look forward to being back home...there's just something about it!
So glad Pastor continues to do so well.
Our thoughts and prayers continue for all of you.
We love you guys!
Michelle & David P.

Mike Harrison said...

Praise God!!!! The Lord is so gracious and faithful. Pastor I want you and Karen to know that I am rejoicing over what our Lord has done in your life.
Brother I want you to know that I love you both with all of my heart and thank the Lord for both of you. The fact that you both have depended totally on the Lordship of Jesus thoughout this trial is the most powerful sermon you will ever preach. You both have brought honor to the Lord Jesus.

Take care. Let me say one more time; I Love You Both and I am looking forward to seeing you both.
“The LORD bless you and keep you;
"The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,And give you peace.”

Jesus is Truly Lord

Mike Harrison