Thursday, July 31, 2008

Check Up Finished!

Here's the news . . .

There is no evidence of cancer in his body at all. He is officially declared
"in remission". He said the doctor used words like perfect and great in his
discussion. Pastor wanted all of you to know as soon as possible.

He goes back in November for a check-up.

The Latest News

February - Chemo Has Started

Dr. Thomas started chemo on Monday, and he is doing very well. Thank you for praying! He is doing a three-hour drip of chemo which he will do one time every three weeks for the next three months. In addition to this, he also takes chemo pills every day – 5 in the morning and 5 at night. After chemo is done, he will be scheduled for radiation. He came and led our staff meeting on Tuesday (we were so glad to see him back in the saddle!) and we are trusting God to continue doing incredible things in his life for His glory alone. Please continue to pray that the normal side effects of chemo would have no effect at all as Pastor recovers. And continue to pray for those in our church family who are struggling with the same cancer issues. God is the Great Physician and He is able!

Also, we are looking forward to welcoming Pastor back into the pulpit this Sunday, February 17. He has been cleared by the doctor to come back so we are thrilled that he will be leading us on Sunday.

Many of you have asked about Pastor’s parents. They are doing much better. His dad is in a “collar” so please continue to pray for his recovery.

April - And Now the Radiation Portion of the Program . . . .

Dr. Thomas has been at MD Anderson in Houston this week for a check up after completing his term of chemotherapy. It is with great thanksgiving that Dr. Thomas reports that the doctors have said, “his blood markers and cancer markers are perfect.” Praise the Lord! He will, as a precautionary measure, begin radiation treatments with oral chemotherapy (30% of its original strength) sometime after Mother’s Day. This will continue 5 days a week for 5 consecutive weeks and will most likely take place at MD Anderson. The doctors also said that his pancreas has healed perfectly from surgery. Please remember to lift the Thomas Team as they continue on this journey of trusting the Lord. Thank you for your commitment to pray for them.

April 9th - Pastor will begin radiation treatments today at MD Anderson in Houston, TX as a precaution. This process will last until June 18th. Please pray for his stamina during this time, as he will be traveling to Houston on Mondays and back home on Fridays so he can be in the pulpit each Sunday.

Pray specifically that he would be spared the usual negative side effects of radiation. He will be staying with his parents each week, which is definitely a treat most adults do not get! Pray for his family as they are here in Mobile while Pastor is in Houston each week. He is trusting God to move mightily in him personally as well as in our church family. Pray for his complete release and healing from this cancer! To God be the glory for all He has already accomplished during this journey with the Thomas Team! He continues to rest in the Word God gave at the beginning of this journey . . Psalm 117:18-19 1 shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD. The LORD has chastened me severely, but He has not given me over to death.

June - The Maker’s Diet with Dr. Jordan Rubin

June 20th - Pastor has traveled to West Palm Beach to be under the direction of Dr. Rubin while taking part in the Maker’s Diet – a diet and exercise program made up completely of raw food – vegetables, meat, fish and the like. He will be in training with this program for about the next 5 weeks. The purpose is to detox all impurities (like chemo & radiation) from his system with an anticipated outcome of better control over his diabetes. His diabetes has been exacerbated by the removal of a portion of the pancreas. This diet and way of life will help control that! God is awesome in His provision!

July - He’s Home!

End of July - Pastor has returned home after completing his diet and exercise program. He feels great and is so thankful to be back home – both literally and with his church family. He’s back in the pulpit on July 27th, beginning a new series on Total Surrender – a study in Stewardship. Thank you for your prayers while he’s been away. He greatly appreciates all of the prayer warriors who have been faithful to pray on his behalf during this journey.

Time for a check-up

July 30-31 - Pastor has traveled back to Houston for testing and a check up after completing radiation and will be meeting with his doctors while he’s there. Stay tuned for an update . . . . We are so happy to have him back full time!! Thank you for your continued intercession on his behalf and on behalf of the church family. We are asking and trusting the Lord for a clean report of health!